I. Goals
This course will reexamine various proposals that have been made about
syllables from the perspective of Optimality Theory. How does the
evidence for these proposals hold up under OT's assumptions -- especially
the use of universal, violable constraints?
Students who enroll in this course will gain experience in reading the primary literature in theoretical phonology, critically evaluating theories and proposals, leading class discussion, and developing an original analysis of a syllable-related phenomenon.
II. Prerequisites
The prerequisite for this course is at least one semester of phonology
(Linguistics 60 or Linguistics 123), or permission of instructor.
III. Course requirements
[updated 4/12/02]
The following are required of all students enrolled in this course
and contribute to the final grade as shown:
5% Attendance and participation 10% Short reading reactions for each reading assignment 45%
5 assignments: see handout for details (PDF format)
see also information about reading reactions on supplemental readings10% 1 article presentation (see sample presentation handout in PDF format) 10% Final presentation 20% Term paper
Class meets: MWF 10:00-10:50, 304 Dey Hall