Data summary formatting
Linguistic Field Methods · Spring 2005

The data summaries that each of you write will go into a master file that the whole class can search and use. So, I would like to ask you to submit them in a consistent format so that they are easy to combine and redistribute.

Please submit your data summary as a file containing only ASCII characters (i.e., regular upper- and lowercase letters and numbers, punctuation, etc.) -- no phonetic symbols, superscripts, diacritics, etc.

The file type should be something I can open and copy/paste from. I would prefer plan text or MS Word files, but Excel files are okay too. (If you are a WordPerfect user, you have good taste! I will happily accept WP files.)

Go back to the sound files to confirm your original transcription. You may find that you are better able to identify C and V categories now.

Please use the set of transcription conventions we set up in class (on Blackboard, under Course documents > Analysis > Phoneme chart...3/11/05. As far as possible, try to see if what you're hearing can be expressed only in terms of the phoneme categories expressed there. (For example, I don't think we have really heard a uvular "r", although several people have been using this symbol in their assignments and papers.) If you do need to use an additional sound category, please include a note in your file explaining what it is and what ASCII symbol you are using for it.

The file should contain the following information for each item in the data you are summarizing:

Here is an example:

Date: 02-28-05

Item#: 140
Form: ulika
Gloss: we-SUBJECT
Type: Noun/NP

Item#: 141
Form: ulilUl
Gloss: we-OBJECT
Type: Noun/NP

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