Home page of Elliott Moreton
Department of Linguistics
Smith Building, Room 101
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3155

My email address is my last name (note spelling) at unc.edu. My CV is here.

I am the Department's Director of Graduate Admissions (2005--) and Director of Graduate Studies (2009--).

Sign up here for the Linguistics Department's soundproof chamber in Dey 103.

If I am writing a letter of recommendation for you, you'll need to fill out a FERPA release form and return it on paper or scanned.

Classes I teach

Undergraduate research mentoring

Graduate projects supervised

Useful stuff

Stimuli: You are welcome to download my stimuli (see "Publications" below) and use them for any non-commercial purpose, including, of course, experiments of your own. I'd appreciate it if you let me know what you find, though.

Publications and presentations (non-exhaustive)

Last updated 2024 December 20 (F).