Home page of Elliott Moreton
Department of Linguistics
Smith Building, Room 101
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3155
My email address is my last name (note spelling) at unc.edu. My CV is
I am the Department's
Director of Graduate Admissions (2005--) and
Director of Graduate Studies (2009--).
Sign up here
for the Linguistics Department's soundproof chamber in Dey 103.
If I am writing a letter of recommendation for you, you'll need to fill out a
FERPA release form and return it on paper or scanned.
Classes I teach
Undergraduate research mentoring
- Herlant, Annika (2024). Sporadic regressive vowel harmony in Turkish.
Senior honors thesis.
- Wrenn, Emma (2024). Phonetics of P'urepecha. Senior honors thesis.
- Carter, William (2017). Phonological activeness effects
in language acquisition and language structuring. Senior honors thesis.
- Prickett, Brandon
(2014). The effect of complexity vs. the effect of
naturalness on phonological learning. Senior
Honors thesis.
Presented at the 22nd Manchester Phonology Meeting (MFM), May 29--31.
- Hauser, Ivy
(2013). Sonority as a primitive: Evidence from
phonological inventories. Presented at the
West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL),
2013 February 8--10.
SURF (Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship)]
- Reyes, Kayleigh E. (2012). Inventory size and complexity
in the song of the American Robin.
Abstract in: Journal of the Acoustical Society of
America 132 (3):1979. [LING 333; independent study]
Graduate projects supervised
- Amick, Abigail (2024). Sgaw Karen (Ayeyarwady Delta Region).
(MA, UNC-Chapel Hill)
- Bao, Yuanchen Blaine (2022).
The acquisition of Mandarin Chinese tone by American heritage speakers and
second-language learners of Chinese. (MA, UNC-Chapel Hill)
- Foley, Sean (2022). Control and biomechanics in coarticulation:
insights from an ultrasound study of Standard Mandarin apical vowels.
(MA, UNC-Chapel Hill, co-advised with
Jeff Mielke of NCSU Linguistics)
- Carter, William J. T. (2019).
Explicit and implicit acquisition of opacity:
initial evaluations of a dual-system model of grammar. (MA, UNC-Chapel Hill)
- Moeng, Emily (2018).
The acquisition of phonetic categories (PhD, UNC-Chapel Hill).
- Eisenbarth, Brent (2018).
Reading lips and learning sounds: the effect of visual cue saliency on
phonological production in a second language (MA, UNC-Chapel Hill)
- Boone, Haley (2018).
Phonetic motivation for diachronic sound change in Bantu languages as evidenced
by voiceless prenasalized stop perception by native Somali Chizigula speakers
(MA, UNC-Chapel Hill)
- Muratani, Yuka (2017). Influence of poor-fit vowels on perception of
consonants. (MA, UNC-Chapel Hill)
Prickett, Brandon (2015).
Complexity and Naturalness in First
Language and Second Language Phonotactic Learning (MA, UNC-Chapel Hill)
- Zhu, Siyun (2014). A study on Mandarin focus produced by
English L2 learners (MA, UNC-Chapel Hill)
- Kohn, Mary E. (2013).
Adolescent ethnolinguistic stability
and change: a longitudinal study (PhD, UNC-Chapel Hill).
(Co-chair: Erik R. Thomas of
- Fischer, Lucia Lopes (2013). Sgaw Karen as spoken by a
member of the local North Carolina community: a phonetic
analysis and phonemic transcription (MA, UNC-Chapel Hill).
- Shaw, Katherine E. (2013). Head faithfulness in lexical
blends: a positional approach to blend formation (MA,
UNC-Chapel Hill).
- Moeng, Emily (2012).
Do phonologically active
classes warp the perceptual space? (MA, UNC-Chapel Hill).
- Griffin, Jennifer (2011).
Variation and gradience
in a noisy harmonic grammar with lexically-indexed
constraints: the case of Spanish -s deletion and
aspiration (MA, UNC-Chapel Hill).
- Drozdiak, Alice (2011). Identifying and describing
prosodic domain interaction with duration and hyperarticulation
(MA, UNC-Chapel Hill).
- Clayton, Ian (2010).
A natural history of
preaspiration (PhD, UNC-Chapel Hill).
- Li, Yu(2007).
Differential acquisition of phonemic
contrasts by infant word learners: Does production recapitulate
perception? (PhD, UNC-Chapel Hill, co-advised with
Reiko Mazuka).
- Spears, Abby (2006). Nasal coarticulation in the French
vowel /i/: a phonetic and phonological study (MA, UNC-Chapel
Useful stuff
Stimuli: You are welcome to download my stimuli (see
"Publications" below) and use them for any non-commercial purpose,
including, of course, experiments of your own. I'd appreciate it if
you let me know what you find, though.
Publications and presentations (non-exhaustive)
- Moreton, Elliott, and Katya Pertsova (2024).
Implicit and explicit processes in phonological concept learning.
Phonology 40 (2):1--53.
[Pre-publication draft (pdf)]
- Moreton, Elliott, Joe Pater, Katya Pertsova, Brandon Prickett, Lisa Sanders, and Chris White (2024).
Explicit and implicit reversal of musical and phonological stimuli.
Poster presented at the 2nd
Expression, Language, and Music Conference (ELM2),
University of Connecticut, October 5.
[Poster and bibliography (pdf)]
- Moreton, Elliott, Jeff Lamontagne, and Monica Nesbitt (2024).
Durational and spectral factors in judgements of American Raising.
Abstract in: Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
155 (3, Part 2):A288-A289.
[Poster and supplementary material (pdf)]
- Moreton, Elliott (2021). Phonological abstractness
in English Diphthong Raising. In: Stuart Davis
and Kelly Berkson (eds.), American Raising. Publications of
the American Dialect Society (PADS) #106, Ch. 2. Durham, North Carolina:
Duke University Press.
[Pre-publication draft (pdf)]
- Moreton, Elliott, Brandon Prickett, Katya Pertsova, Josh Fennell,
Joe Pater, and Lisa Sanders (2021). Learning repetition, but
not syllable reversal. In: Ryan Bennett, Richard Bibbs,
Mykel Loren Brinkerhoff, Max J. Kaplan, Stephanie Rich, Amanda Rysling,
Nicholas Van Handel, and Maya Wax Cavallaro (eds.), Supplemental
Proceedings of the 2020 Annual Meeting on Phonology.
DOI: 10.3765/amp.v9i0.4912.
- Moreton, Elliott (2020). Evolving constraints and rules
in Harmonic Grammar. In: Proceedings of the 2020
Meeting of the Society for Computation in Linguistics, Vol. 3,
Article 8.
[SCiL talk handout]
- Moreton, Elliott (2019). Abstract factors in English
Diphthong Raising in a Mississippi dialect. Handout from
a talk at NWAV 48 at the University of Oregon, Oct. 12.
- Moreton, Elliott (2019). Constraint breeding during on-line
incremental learning. In: Proceedings of the 2019 Meeting of
the Society for Computation in Linguistics, Vol. 2, Article 9.
[SCiL talk handout]
- Moreton, Elliott (2018). Conditions on abruptness in a
gradient-ascent Maximum Entropy learner. In:
Proceedings of the 2018 Meeting of the Society for
Computation in Linguistics (SCiL), Vol. 1, Article 19.
[SCiL poster]
- Moreton, Elliott, Jennifer L. Smith, Katya Pertsova, Rachel Broad,
and Brandon Prickett (2017). Emergent positional privilege
in novel English blends. Language 93 (2):347--380.
- Moreton, Elliott, and Katya Pertsova (2017).
Implicit and explicit processes in phonotactic learning.
In: Jennifer Scott and Deb Waugtal (eds.), Proceedings of the
40th Boston University Conference on Language Acquisition (BUCLD 40),
pp. 277--290.
- Moreton, Elliott (2016).
Prosody-morphology interaction in diphthong raising in a
Mississippi dialect. Southern Journal
of Linguistics 40 (2):15--58.
- Moreton, Elliott, Joe Pater, and Katya Pertsova (2015/2017).
Phonological concept learning. Cognitive Science
41 (1):4--69.
[Demo software
for the weightless MaxEnt algorithm (Replicator learner).]
[Audio stimuli
(same as Moreton 2012 JM&L)]
[Visual stimuli (gzipped)]
- Broad, Rachel, Brandon Prickett, Elliott Moreton, Katya Pertsova,
and Jennifer L. Smith (2015). Emergent faithfulness to proper
nouns in novel English blends. In: Kyeong-min Kim (ed.),
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Meeting of the West Coast Conference
on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL 33).
- White, Andrew, Katherine Shaw, Fabian Monrose, and Elliott
Moreton (2014). Isn't that fantabulous: security, linguistic,
and usability challenges of pronounceable tokens. In:
NSPW '14
(New Security Paradigms Workshop 2014) Proceedings.
- Smith, Jennifer L., Elliott Moreton, Katya Pertsova, and Rachel Broad
(2014). Emergent noun faithfulness in novel English blends.
Presentation at the 22nd Manchester Phonology Meeting, May 31.
- Shaw, Katherine E., Andrew M. White, Elliott Moreton, and
Fabian Monrose (2014). Emergent faithfulness to
morphological and semantic heads in lexical blends.
In: John Kingston, Claire Moore-Cantwell, Joe Pater, and
Robert Staubs (eds.),
Proceedings of Phonology 2013.
- Moreton, Elliott, and Katya Pertsova (2014). Pastry
phonotactics: Is phonological learning special?
In: Huang, Hsin-Lun, Ethan Poole and Amanda Rysling (eds.),
Proceedings of NELS 43, Vol. II, pp. 1--12.
(pdf), 2012 October 19.]
- Moreton, Elliott, and Joe Pater (2012). Structure
and substance in artificial-phonology learning. Part I,
Structure. Part II, Substance.
Language and Linguistics Compass 6 (11): 686--701 and
[Part I (pdf),
Part II (pdf),
final draft, June 2012]
An earlier draft (April 2011) circulated under
the title "Learning artificial phonology: a review".
- Pater, Joe, and Elliott Moreton (2012). Structurally
biased phonology: complexity in learning and typology.
Journal of the English and Foreign Languages
University (Hyderabad), 3(2):1--44.
[final version (pdf), August 2012]
- Smith, Jennifer L., and Elliott Moreton (2012).
Sonority variation in Stochastic OT: Implications for
markedness hierarchies. In: Steve Parker (ed.),
The Sonority Controversy, 167--194. Berlin and
Boston: Walter de Gruyter.
[Published version (pdf)]
- Moreton, Elliott (2012). Inter- and intra-dimensional
dependencies in implicit phonotactic learning.
Journal of Memory and Language 67 (1):165-183.
[Draft (pdf), December
- Moreton, Elliott, and Joe Pater (2011). Formally biased
phonology: complexity in learning and typology. Workshop on
Testing Models of Phonetics and Phonology, Linguistic
Institute, University of Colorado, Boulder, July 13, 2011.
[Handout (pdf)]
- Moreton, Elliott (2010). Constraint induction and simplicity
bias in phonological learning. Workshop on Grammar Induction,
Cornell University, May 14, 2010.
[Handout (pdf)]
- Moreton, Elliott (2010). Underphonologization and
modularity bias. In: Steve Parker (ed.),
Phonological Argumentation: Essays on Evidence and Motivation,
79-101. London: Equinox.
[Draft (pdf)]
[Draft of 2006/5/27 at
- Moreton, Elliott (2009). Phonological Learning and Typology, LSA
Institute Course 224.
[Handouts (tarred, gzipped)]
- Moreton, Elliott (2008). Modelling modularity bias in
phonological pattern learning. In: Natasha Abner,
Jason Bishop, and Kevin Ryan (eds.), Proceedings of
the 27th Meeting of the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics
(WCCFL), 1-16.
Abstract and paper]
[BLUMPS 2.0 (tarred and gzipped)]
- Moreton, Elliott (2008). Analytic bias and phonological
typology. Phonology 25(1):83--127.
[Paper (pdf),
version of 2008 Jan. 17.]
[Stimuli for
Experiments 1 and 2]
that produced the frequency counts in Section 7]
- Moreton, Elliott (2008). Learning bias as a factor in
phonological typology. In: Charles Chang and Anna
Haynie (eds.), Proceedings of the 26th Meeting of the West Coast
Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL), 393--401.
Abstract and paper ]
(This is essentially the NELS talk plus two more experiments.)
- Moreton, Elliott, Gary Feng, and Jennifer L. Smith (2008).
Syllabification, sonority, and perception: new evidence from a
language game. In: Rodney L. Edwards, Patrick J. Midtlyng,
Colin L. Sprague, and Kjersti G. Stensrud (eds.), Proceedings from
the Main Session of the Forty-First Meeting of the Chicago
Linguistic Society, 341-355.
[Draft (pdf)]
- Moreton, Elliott, and Erik R. Thomas (2007). Origins
of Canadian Raising in voiceless-coda effects: a case study in
phonologization. Jennifer S. Cole and Jose' Ignacio Hualde (eds.),
Laboratory Phonology 9, 37-64. Berlin: Mouton
[Manuscript (pdf)
- Moreton, Elliott (2007). Competition in perception
grammar. Presentation at the workshop on "Experimental Approaches
to Optimality Theory (ExpOT)", Ann Arbor, May 18-20, 2007.
- Moreton, Elliott (2006). Phonotactic learning and
phonological typology. Presentation at the 37th meeting of the
Northeast Linguistics Society, Urbana, Illinois, October 13-15,
- Moreton, Elliott (2004). Diachronically inaccessible
grammars: a diachronic-phonetic study of the English /ai/
alternations. Presentation at the workshop on "Redefining
Elicitation: Novel Data in Phonological Theory", New York
University, April 9-11, 2004).
[Handout (pdf)]
Work done in collaboration with Erik R. Thomas, North Carolina
State University.
- Moreton, Elliott (2004). Phonotactic constraints,
frequency, and legality in English onset-cluster perception.
Poster at Acoustical Society of America meeting, New York City, May
24-28, 2004. Abstract in: Journal of the Acoustical Society of
America 115(5, Part 2):2630.
[Poster (pdf)]
[References (pdf).]
- Moreton, Elliott (2004). Realization of the English
postvocalic [voice] contrast in F1 and F2. Journal of
Phonetics 32:1-33.
[Stimuli for Experiments 2 and 3]
[Script for finding formants
at nucleus (F1 max) and offglide (F2 max)]
- Moreton, Elliott (2004). Non-computable functions in
Optimality Theory. In: John J. McCarthy (ed.), Optimality
Theory in Phonology, 141-164.
[Early and rather buggy draft in pdf.]
- Jusczyk, Peter, Paul Smolensky, Karen Arnold, and Elliott Moreton (2003).
Acquisition of nasal place assimilation by 4.5-month-old infants. In:
D. Houston, A. Seidl, G. Hollich, E. Johnson, and A. Jusczyk (eds.), Jusczyk Lab Final Report.
- Moreton, Elliott (2002). Structural constraints in the
perception of English stop-sonorant clusters. Cognition
[Manuscript (pdf)]
[Stimuli for Experiments 1 and 2]
[Missing panel from Fig. 1
of the published version.]
[Data from Experiments 1 (``08'') and
2 (``09'')]
- Moreton, Elliott, and Paul Smolensky (2002). Typological
consequences of local constraint conjunction. In: L. Mikkelsen
and C. Potts (eds.), Proceedings of the West Coast Conference on
Formal Linguistics 21:306-319.
Paper (pdf).]
- Moreton, Elliott (2002). Phonological grammar in speech
perception. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Massachusetts,
- Kingston, John, and Elliott Moreton (2001). How do
listeners learn foreign vowel categories: as disjunctive sets,
through selective attention, or as prototypes? In: R. Smits,
J. Kingston, T. M. Nearey, and R. Zondervan (eds.), Proceedings
of the Workshop on Speech Recognition as Pattern Classification,
Nijmegen, The Netherlands, July 11-13, 2001.
[Paper (pdf)]
- Moreton, Elliott (1999). Evidence for phonological grammar
in speech perception. In: J. J. Ohala, Y. Hasegawa, M. Ohala,
D. Granville, and A. C. Bailey (eds.), Proceedings of the 14th
International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, San Francisco,
pp. 2215-2217.
[Paper (pdf)]
- Moreton, Elliott, and Shigeaki Amano (1999). Phonotactics
in the perception of Japanese vowel length: Evidence for
long-distance dependencies. Proceedings of the 6th European
Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, Budapest.
[Paper (pdf)]
- Moreton, Elliott (1999). Raise-/alpha/. Unpublished MS,
Department of Linguistics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
(Descriptive and historical notes on the Southern American English
counterpart to Canadian Raising.)
- Kingston, John, and Elliott Moreton (1998). Discovery of
natural categories by non-native listeners. Abstract in: Journal of the Acoustical Society of
America 103(5, Part 2):2986.
- Oviatt, Sharon L., Gina A. Levow, Elliott Moreton, and Margaret
MacEachern (1998). Modeling global and focal hyperarticulation
during human-computer error resolution. Journal of the Acoustical Society of
America 104(5):1-19.
- Moreton, Elliott (1997). Phonotactic rules in speech
perception. Abstract in :
Journal of the Acoustical
Society of America 102(5, Part 2):3091-3092.
- Kusumoto, Kiyomi, and Elliott Moreton (1997). Native
language determines parsing of nonlinguistic rhythmic stimuli.
Abstract in: Journal of the Acoustical Society of
America 102(5, Part 2):3204.
[Poster (pdf)].
Last updated 2024 December 20 (F).