Jennifer L. Smith | Department of Linguistics | UNC Chapel Hill
A brief description of the topics that I work on can be found on my
research interests page.
(Coming soon: The ability to sort the publications listed here by topic.)
- Selected handouts, slides, and posters
- Download my CV (PDF)
Selected papers
[Metta Crouse, Jennifer L. Smith, and Katya Pertsova]
(2025) Segmental faithfulness to semantic heads in novel Spanish blends.
Catalan Journal of Linguistics
24(1): 93-115
(2022) Some formal implications of deletion saltation. Linguistic Inquiry 53(4): 852-864 []. Pre-publication version: PDF
(2020) From experiment results to a constraint hierarchy with the 'Rank Centrality' algorithm. In Patrick Farrell (ed.), Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America, vol. 5, 144-149. Washington, DC: Linguistic Society of America. [] Local link: PDF
[Jennifer L. Smith and Yuka Tashiro]
(2019) Nonce-loan judgments and impossible-nativization effects in Japanese.
In Patrick Farrell (ed.),
of the Linguistic Society of America, vol. 4, article
Washington, DC: Linguistic Society of America.
Local link:
(2018) Stratified faithfulness in Harmonic Grammar and emergent core-periphery structure. In Ryan Bennett et al. (eds.), Hana-bana: A festschrift for Junko Ito and Armin Mester, article #13. [] Local link: PDF
[Elliott Moreton, Jennifer L. Smith, Katya Pertsova, Rachel Broad, and Brandon Prickett]
(2017) Emergent positional privilege in novel English blends.
Language 93(2): 347-380.
Pre-publication version:
[Justin Pinta and Jennifer L. Smith]
(2017) Spanish loans and evidence for stratification in the Guarani lexicon.
In Bruno Estigarríbia and Justin Pinta (eds.),
Guarani Linguistics in the 21st Century, 285-314. Leiden: Brill.
Pre-publication version:
(2016) Wh prosody is not focus prosody in Fukuoka Japanese. In Theodore Levin, Ryo Masuda, and Michael Kenstowicz (eds.), Japanese/Korean Linguistics 23, 23-37. Stanford: CSLI Publications. Pre-publication version: PDF
(2016) Segmental noun/verb phonotactic differences are productive too. In Patrick Farrell (ed.), Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America, vol. 1, article #16. Washington, DC: Linguistic Society of America. [] Local link: PDF
[Rachel Broad, Brandon Prickett, Elliott Moreton, Katya Pertsova, and Jennifer L. Smith]
(2016) Emergent faithfulness to proper nouns in novel English blends.
In Kyeong-min Kim, Pocholo Umbal, Trevor Block, Queenie Chan, Tanie Cheng,
Kelli Finney, Mara Katz, Sophie Nickel-Thompson, and Lisa Shorten (eds.),
Proceedings of WCCFL 33, 77-87.
Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
at CPP
(2014) Prototypical predicates have unmarked phonology. In John Kingston, Claire Moore-Cantwell, Joe Pater, and Robert Staubs (eds.), Supplemental Proceedings of the 2013 Meeting on Phonology, article #37. Washington, DC: Linguistic Society of America. [] Local link: PDF
(2013) Fukuoka Japanese wh prosody in production and perception. Lingua 124: 96-130. Pre-publication version: PDF
(2012) Empirical approaches to Fukuoka Japanese wh prosody. In Matthew A. Tucker, Anie Thompson, Oliver Northrup, and Ryan Bennett (eds.), Proceedings of FAJL 5, 251-272. Cambridge, MA: MITWPL. Pre-publication version: PDF
(2012) The formal definition of the ONSET constraint and implications for Korean syllable structure. In Toni Borowsky, Shigeto Kawahara, Takahito Shinya, and Mariko Sugahara (eds.), Prosody Matters: Essays in Honor of Elisabeth Selkirk, 73-108. London: Equinox. Pre-publication version: PDF
[Jennifer L. Smith and Elliott Moreton]
(2012) Sonority variation in Stochastic Optimality Theory: Implications for markedness hierarchies.
In Steve Parker (ed.), The Sonority Controversy, 167-194. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
Pre-publication version:
(2011) Category-specific effects. In Marc van Oostendorp, Colin Ewen, Beth Hume, and Keren Rice (eds.), The Blackwell Companion to Phonology, 2439-2463. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. Pre-publication version: PDF
(2011) [+wh] complementizers drive phonological phrasing in Fukuoka Japanese. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 29(2): 545-559. Pre-publication version: PDF
(2009) Source similarity in loanword adaptation: Correspondence Theory and the posited source-language representation. In Steve Parker (ed.), Phonological Argumentation: Essays on Evidence and Motivation, 155-177. London: Equinox. [Please contact me if you would like a copy of the paper.] abstract (plain text)
(2008) Markedness, faithfulness, positions, and contexts: Lenition and fortition in Optimality Theory. In Joaquim Brandão de Carvalho, Tobias Scheer, and Philippe Ségéral (eds.), Lenition and Fortition, 519-560. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Pre-publication version: PDF
(2008) Phonological constraints are not directly phonetic. In Proceedings of CLS 41 (vol. 1), 457-471. Rutgers Optimality Archive #779. PDF
[Elliott Moreton, Gary Feng, and Jennifer L. Smith]
(2008) Syllabification, sonority, and perception: new data
from a language game.
In Proceedings of CLS 41 (vol. 1), 341-355.
Rutgers Optimality Archive
(2007) Representational complexity in syllable structure and its consequences for Gen and Con. In Sylvia Blaho, Patrik Bye and Martin Krämer (eds.), Freedom of Analysis?, 257-280. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Pre-publication version available as Rutgers Optimality Archive #800. PDF
(2006) Correspondence Theory vs. cyclic OT: Beyond morphological derivation. In Chris Davis, Amy Rose Deal, and Youri Zabbal (eds.), Proceedings of NELS 36, vol. 2, 531-545. Amherst, MA: GLSA. PDF
(2006) Loan phonology is not all perception: Evidence from Japanese loan doublets. In Timothy J. Vance and Kimberly A. Jones (eds.), Japanese/Korean Linguistics 14, 63-74. Stanford: CSLI. Pre-publication version available as Rutgers Optimality Archive #729. PDF
(2005) Comments on "Syntax-phonology interfaces in Busan Korean and Fukuoka Japanese" by Tomoyuki Kubo. In Shigeki Kaji (ed.), Cross-Linguistic Studies on Tonal Phenomena IV, 211-219. Tokyo: ILCAA. PDF
(2005) On the WH-question intonational domain in Fukuoka Japanese: Some implications for the syntax-prosody interface. In Shigeto Kawahara (ed.), Papers on Prosody. UMass Occasional Papers in Linguistics (UMOP) 30, 219-237. Amherst, MA: GLSA. PDF
(2004) Making constraints positional: Toward a compositional model of CON. Lingua 114(12): 1433-1464.
The above paper is a revised version of:
(2003) Toward a compositional treatment of positional
constraints: The case of positional augmentation.
In Angela Carpenter, Andries Coetzee, and Paul de Lacy (eds.),
Papers in Optimality Theory II.
UMass Occasional Papers in Linguistics (UMOP) 26, 337-370. Amherst, MA: GLSA.
Rutgers Optimality Archive
(2003) Onset sonority constraints and subsyllabic structure. Revised version of paper presented at the Ninth International Phonology Meeting; University of Vienna, November 3, 2002. Rutgers Optimality Archive #608. PDF
(2002) Phonological Augmentation in Prominent Positions. PhD dissertation, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, May 2002.
- (2002) Circulation version (Dec 2002)
- (2005) Available from Routledge | also as open access eBook
(2001) Lexical category and phonological contrast. In Robert Kirchner, Joe Pater, and Wolf Wikely (eds.), Papers in Experimental and Theoretical Linguistics 6: Workshop on the Lexicon in Phonetics and Phonology, 61-72. Edmonton: University of Alberta. Rutgers Optimality Archive #728. PDF
(2000) Positional faithfulness and learnability in Optimality Theory. In Rebecca Daly and Anastasia Riehl (eds.), Proceedings of ESCOL 99, 203-214. Ithaca: CLC Publications. PDF
(2000) Prominence, augmentation, and neutralization in phonology. In Lisa Conathan, Jeff Good, Darya Kavitskaya, Alyssa Wulf, and Alan Yu (eds.), Proceedings of BLS 26, 247-257. Berkeley, CA: Berkeley Linguistics Society. [Published version has formatting errors; corrected version available as Rutgers Optimality Archive #727 (2005).] PDF
(1999) Noun faithfulness and accent in Fukuoka Japanese. In Sonya Bird, Andrew Carnie, Jason D. Haugen, and Peter Norquest (eds.), Proceedings of WCCFL XVIII, 519-531. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press. PDF
(1998) Noun faithfulness and word stress in Tuyuca. In Jennifer Austin and Aaron Lawson (eds.), Proceedings of ESCOL 97, 180-191. Ithaca: CLC Publications. PDF
(1998) Noun faithfulness: Evidence from accent in Japanese dialects. In Noriko Akatsuka, Hajime Hoji, Shoichi Iwasaki, Sung-Ock Sohn, and Susan Strauss (eds.), Japanese/Korean Linguistics 7, 611-627. Stanford: CSLI. PDF
(1997) Noun faithfulness: On the privileged behavior of nouns in phonology. Ms., University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Rutgers Optimality Archive #242. PDF
Selected handouts, slides, and posters: All topics
(2020) How productive is core-periphery structure in the Japanese lexicon? Empirical results and theoretical implications. Invited talk at the Japan Phonology Forum 2020; online, August 29. slides (PDF)
(2020) From experiment results to a constraint hierarchy with the 'Rank Centrality' algorithm. Poster presentation at the 2020 Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America; New Orleans, January 4. poster (PDF)
(2019) Sources of asymmetries in category-specific phonology. Invited talk at 27mfm; University of Manchester, May 24. slides (PDF)
[Jennifer L. Smith and Yuka Tashiro]
(2019) Nonce-loan judgments and impossible-nativization effects in Japanese.
Slides from presentation at LSA 2019; New York, January 6.
slides (PDF)
(2018) Impossible-nativization effects and productivity in loanword phonology. Invited talk at OCP 15; University College London, January 14. handout (PDF) slides (PDF)
[Jennifer L. Smith and Justin Pinta]
(2015) Experimental evidence for aggressive core-periphery phonology in Guarani.
Presentation at the 23rd Manchester Phonology Meeting; University
of Manchester, May 29.
handout (PDF)
(2014) Prosody vs. segments in laboratory learning of category-specific phonology. Poster presentation at the 2014 Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain; Oxford University, September 5. poster (PDF)
[Jennifer L. Smith, Elliott Moreton, Katya Pertsova, and Rachel Broad]
(2014) Emergent noun faithfulness in novel English blends.
Presentation at the 22nd Manchester Phonology Meeting; University of Manchester, May 31.
handout (PDF)
(2012) Parts of speech in phonology. Presentation at the 17th LIPP Symposium "Parts of Speech across Languages, in Acquisition, Mind and Brain;" LMU, Munich, July 6. handout (PDF)
(2012) The obstruent sonority paradox as a markedness interaction effect. Presentation at the 20th Manchester Phonology Meeting; University of Manchester, May 24. handout (PDF)
(2012) Lexical categories in phonology: Blocking and triggering classes. Poster presentation at the 7th North American Phonology Conference; Concordia University, May 4. poster (PDF)
(2010) A quantitative study of the wh prosody/scope correlation in Fukuoka Japanese. Invited talk at Workshop on Prosody, Syntax and Information Structure IV; University of Delaware, September 18. handout (PDF)
(2010) Phonology knows about lexical categories. Poster presentation at the 18th Manchester Phonology Meeting; University of Manchester, May 22. [Poster and handout have same content but different formatting.] poster (PDF) handout (PDF)
(2008) Fukuoka Japanese wh questions: Implications for the syntax-phonology interface. Invited colloquium talk at Stony Brook University; October 3. handout (PDF)
(2008) Positional and contextual constraints: Evidence from lenition. Poster presentation at the 2008 Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America; Chicago, January 5. handout (PDF)
(2007) Accent deletion and phrase formation in Fukuoka Japanese WH constructions. Invited talk at Workshop on Prosody, Syntax and Information Structure III; Indiana University, September 15. handout (PDF)
(2004) Functional grounding in the phonology: Evidence from positional augmentation. Presentation at the GLOW 2004 Workshop on Markedness in Phonology; Aristotle University (Thessaloniki), April 18. handout (PDF)
(2003) The formal and the functional in onset sonority constraints. Presentation at the LSA 2003 Annual Meeting, Atlanta, January 5. handout (PDF)
(1999) Tone and WH-questions in Fukuoka dialects. Presentation at Workshop on Japanese Prosody; UMass, Amherst, January 22. handout (PDF)
(1998) Copying without reduplication: Fanqie language formation in Chinese. Presentation at RumJClam [Rutgers-UMass OT workshop] III, February 28. handout (PDF)
(1998) Fanqie secret languages and reduplication (revisited). Presentation at UMass Phonology Group, October 23. (Somewhat incomplete) follow-up to above. handout (PDF)
(1997) Markedness and liquid alternations in Korean: Implications for the representation of ambisyllabicity. Poster presentation at the Hopkins Optimality Workshop/University of Maryland Mayfest; Baltimore, May 11. handout (PDF)