Use it to keep track of what we've done and where we're going.
[01] Tu Aug 20
- Covered today: Intro to this course; Controversies in teaching reading
- Handout - Course information and policies
- Reading and podcast for Th Aug 22:
- Reading - "Basics: Phonics and Decoding." Reading Rockets, WETA.
- Podcast - "Sold a Story: How Teaching Kids to Read Went So Wrong." Emily Hanford (2022), APM Reports. [Episode E1, "The Problem." (33 min)] | [transcript]
- Assignment:
Reflection Essay #1 - Reading education
- Due Th Aug 22, 3:30pm in Canvas "Assignments"
- See Guidelines for reflection essays
[02] Th Aug 22
- Covered today: Reading vs. language; Linguistics and mental grammar; Phonological awareness [outline]
- To prepare for Tu Aug 27:
- Watch this video (captioning available; 9:45) "The periodic table of speech sounds"
- Work through these sound charts for American English
and try to think of more words that use each sound
- Consonants of American English
- Vowels of American English (includes audio examples)
- Optional: Chart with clickable audio for listening to examples of all sounds (some phonetic symbols are slightly different)
- Padlet board for submitting anonymous questions before class
- Prep questions: 08.27 | Speech sounds
(Canvas Assignments)
- due Tu Aug 27, 2:30pm
- Optional reading if you are interested in exploring these topics further
(see Course Reserves on Canvas)
- For a general overview of linguistics and language structure: Contemporary Linguistics, Ch 1, "Language: A preview" (PDF)
- For more technical phonetics details about the speech sounds of American English: Contemporary Linguistics, chapter 2, "Phonetics: The sounds of language" (PDF)
- On child language acquisition as a natural process: Kaplan (2016), Ch 5 (ebook)
- On the systematicity of non-"standard" language varieties: Kaplan (2016), Ch 2 (ebook)
- Assignment: Reflection Essay #1 - Reading education
- If you added this course after Tuesday's class, RE #1 is due F Aug 23, 11:55pm in Canvas "Assignments"
- See Guidelines for reflection essays
- Reminder: Any RE may be submitted up to two weeks late for a small penalty
[03] Tu Aug 27
- Covered today: Phonetics—The consonant and vowel sounds of American English
- Extra resources (optional): Blog posts from All Things Linguistic on consonants | vowels
- To read for Th Aug 29: Excerpts from Language Files,
chapter 3, "Phonology"
(PDF; see Course Reserves
on Canvas)
- File 3.0, "What is phonology?", p 100
- File 3.1, "The value of sounds: Phonemes and allophones", pp 101-108
- Prepare: Use this activity to practice phonetic transcription in IPA and prepare for class discussion on Thursday
- Prep questions: 08.29 | Letter names & speech sounds (Canvas Assignments) - due Th Aug 29, 2:30pm
[04] Th Aug 29
- Covered today:
- Practice with IPA and analyzing speech into sounds
- Phonology—Allophones; syllables
- Phonological awareness in a young pre-reader
- Video - "Phonemic [sic] Awareness Routine" (4:57)
- FYI: Cherokee writing system in class next time (you might want to bring a printout)
Tu Sept 3
- Well-being day — no class
[05] Th Sept 5
- Covered today: Writing systems; orthographic depth
- Activity: Cherokee writing system
- Assignment: Reflection Essay #2 -
Language sounds and writing systems
- Due Tu Sept 10, 3:30pm in Canvas Assignments
- See Guidelines for reflection essays
- Reminder: Please fill out FYS survey (link in Canvas Announcement) by F Sept 6
[06] Tu Sept 10
- Covered today: Morphology and syntax
- Swahili verbs
- Video (Ingrid and the Martian) - Structural ambiguity, from Ling Vids (4:28)
- To read for Th Sept 12:
Rayner, Pollatsek, Ashby, & Clifton (2012),
Ch 4, "The work of the eyes" (ebook chapter)
- Reading guide (key words and points to focus on) to help you prepare for discussion
- Padlet board for submitting anonymous questions before class
- Accessing the reading:
- The link above should take you directly to the chapter
- If that doesn't work for you, go to "Course Reserves" on Canvas, find Psychology of Reading (2nd edition), and click through to Ch 4
- Prep questions: 09.12 | Visual processing of text
(Canvas Assignments)
- due Th Sept 12, 2:30pm
- Use the reading guide (above) to help!
[07] Th Sept 12
- Covered today: Extracting visual information from text
- Real-time eye-tracking demo (YouTube)
- Prep questions: 09.17 | Assessing reading
(Canvas Assignments)
- due Tu Sept 17, 2:30pm
- Use these links to answer the questions on Canvas:
- Bar graph "Percentage of U.S. students proficient in reading" near top of Hanford (2018), "Hard Words: Why aren't kids being taught to read?"
- Web page "The NAEP Reading Achievement Levels by Grade"
- Use these links to answer the questions on Canvas:
- Upcoming: Information about article presentation groups next time
- Please fill out the preliminary topic interest survey by M Sept 23 (link in Canvas Announcement)
[08] Tu Sept 17
- Covered today: Assessments: Reading and reading predictors [outline] [Padlet]
- Assignment: Reflection Essay #3 -
Morphological awareness
- Due Th Sept 19, 3:30pm in Canvas Assignments
- See Guidelines for reflection essays
- Next time:
- Information about article presentation assignments
- Please fill out the preliminary topic interest survey by M Sept 23 (link in Canvas Announcement)
- General discussion on topics covered so far
- Information about article presentation assignments
[09] Th Sept 19
- Covered today: Discussion: Language structure, writing systems, visual processing, assessments [outline] [Padlet]
- Info for Tu Sept 24: In class, we will look at
Treiman, Kessler, & Bick (2002), "Context sensitivity in the spelling of English vowels"
- Article link through UNC Libraries | Bibliographic citation
- Focus: research questions, experiment design, stimuli
- We will use these preparation questions ((1)-(6a)) in our discussion
- FYI: Article presentation information
- Explanation of the assignment
- Grading criteria
- Reminder: Please fill out the preliminary topic interest survey by M Sept 23 (link in Canvas Announcement)
[10] Tu Sept 24
- Covered today: The structure of a scientific research article
- Treiman, Kessler, & Bick (2002), "Context sensitivity in the spelling of English vowels" [UNC link] [Bibliographic citation]
- Discussion questions ((1)-(6a))
- To read for Th Sept 26:
- Kaplan (2016),
Appendix A - "Statistics: Brief reference" (ebook chapter)
- This link is supposed to take you right to the PDF chapter (may need SSO login)
- If it doesn't work for you, go to "Course Reserves" on Canvas, find the Kaplan book, and click through to Appendix A
- Treiman, Kessler, & Bick (2002), "Context sensitivity in the spelling of English vowels"
- Article link through UNC Libraries | Bibliographic citation
- Focus on data, results, conclusions
- Use these preparation questions ((6b)-end) to help you work through this article and prepare for discussion
- Kaplan (2016),
Appendix A - "Statistics: Brief reference" (ebook chapter)
- Prep questions: 09.26 | Research papers and statistics
(Canvas Assignments)
- due Th Sept 26, 2:30pm
- Use the assigned readings to answer the questions on Canvas
[11] Th Sept 26
- Covered today: Data, statistics, and research results
- Treiman, Kessler, & Bick (2002) (through UNC Libraries)
- Preparation questions ((6b)-end)
- To read for Tu Oct 1:
Rayner, Sereno, Lesch, & Pollatsek (1995),
"Phonological codes are automatically activated during reading:
Evidence from an eye movement priming paradigm"
- Article link through UNC Libraries | Bibliographic citation
- Article presentation assignment
guidelines - Use these to prepare for class discussion!
- Expect lots of group discussion on Tu to analyze and interpret the paper
- Prep questions: 10.01 | Rayner et al. (1995) (Canvas Assignments) - due Tu Oct 1, 2:30pm
[12] Tu Oct 1
- Covered today:
- Preparing to present a research paper
- Article presentation assignment guidelines
- Phonological code effects in adult silent reading
- Video - Priming
- Blog post - Interactions in a statistical analysis
- Rayner, Sereno, Lesch, & Pollatsek (1995) (through UNC Libraries)
- Preparing to present a research paper
- To read for Th Oct 3: Juhasz, Gullick, & Shesler (2011) (Group 1 article)
- Article link (UNC Libraries)
- Handout - Pre-presentation discussion preparation
- Use the Padlet board to raise questions for class discussion
- Assignment: Group articles - Introduction
(Canvas Assignments)
- due Th Oct 3, 3:30pm
- Coordinate with your article group and decide who will take each role in the presentation
[13] Th Oct 3
- Covered today: Pre-presentation discussion: Juhasz et al. (2011) -
AoA effects in skilled readers (Group 1 article)
- Article link (UNC Libraries)
- To read for Tu Oct 8: Kuo, Ramirez, de Marin, Kim, & Unal-Gezer (2017) (Group 2 article)
- Article link (public)
- Handout - Pre-presentation discussion preparation
- Use the Padlet board to raise questions for class discussion
- Assignment: Group 1 individual slides due on Th Oct 10, 11:59pm (Canvas Assignments)
[14] Tu Oct 8
- Covered today: Pre-presentation discussion: Kuo et al. (2017) -
Morphological awareness in bilingual readers (Group 2 article)
- Article link (public)
- To read for Th Oct 10: Wang, Marinus, Nickels, & Castles (2014) (Group 3 article)
- Article link (UNC Libraries)
- Handout - Pre-presentation discussion preparation
- Use the Padlet board to raise questions for class discussion
- Assignment: Group 2 individual slides due on Tu Oct 15, 11:59pm (Canvas Assignments)
[15] Th Oct 10
- Covered today: Pre-presentation discussion: Wang et al. (2014) -
Orthographic learning and reading difficulty (Group 3 article)
- Article link (UNC Libraries)
- To read for Tu Oct 15: O'Brien, Mohamed, Yussof, & Ng (2019) (Group 4 article)
- Article link (UNC Libraries)
- Handout - Pre-presentation discussion preparation
- Use the Padlet board to raise questions for class discussion
- Assignment: Group 3 individual slides due on Th Oct 24, 11:59pm (Canvas Assignments)
[16] Tu Oct 15
- Covered today: Pre-presentation discussion: O'Brien et al. (2019) -
Phonological awareness in bilingual early readers (Group 4 article)
- Article link (UNC Libraries)
- To read for Tu Oct 22: Napoli & Lee-Schoenfeld (2010), Ch 11, "English spelling is hard..." [Course Reserves link] [Library catalog link - go to Ch 11]
- Assignment:
Reflection Essay #4 - Should English spelling be reformed?
- Goes with Napoli & Lee-Schoenfeld (2010), Ch 11 (see link above)
- Due Tu Oct 22, 3:30pm in Canvas "Assignments"
- See Guidelines for reflection essays
- Assignment: Group 3 and Group 4 individual slides due on Th Oct 24, 11:59pm (Canvas Assignments)
Th Oct 17
- Fall Break — no class
[17] Tu Oct 22
- Covered today: Spelling reform — Pros and cons [outline] [Padlet]
- To read for Th Oct 24: Juhasz et al. (2011) -
AoA effects in skilled readers (Group 1 article)
- Article link (UNC Libraries)
- Prepare to discuss RQs, experiments, results, implications
- Assignment: Group 1 presentation on Th Oct 24
(Canvas Assignments)
- Combined slides due Th Oct 24, 2:30pm
- Grading criteria
- Assignment: Group 3 and Group 4 individual slides due on Th Oct 24, 11:59pm (Canvas Assignments)
[18] Th Oct 24 [outline] [Padlet]
- Covered today: Group 1 presentation and follow-up: Juhasz et al. (2011) -
AoA effects in skilled readers
- Article link (UNC Libraries)
- To read for Tu Oct 29: Kuo et al. (2017) -
Morphological awareness in bilingual readers (Group 2 article)
- Article link (public)
- Prepare to discuss RQs, experiments, results, implications
- Assignment: Group 2 presentation on Tu Oct 29
(Canvas Assignments)
- Combined slides due Tu Oct 29, 2:30pm
- Grading criteria
- Assignment: Group 3 and Group 4 individual slides due on Th Oct 24, 11:59pm (Canvas Assignments)
- Assignment: Group 1 self and peer evaluations due F Oct 25, 11:59pm (Canvas Assignments)
[19] Tu Oct 29 [outline] [Padlet]
- Covered today: Group 2 presentation and follow-up: Kuo et al. (2017) -
Morphological awareness in bilingual readers
- Article link (public)
- To read for Th Oct 31: Wang et al. (2014) -
Orthographic learning and reading difficulty (Group 3 article)
- Article link (UNC Libraries)
- Prepare to discuss RQs, experiments, results, implications
- Assignment: Group 3 presentation on Th Oct 31
(Canvas Assignments)
- Combined slides due Th Oct 31, 2:30pm
- Grading criteria
- Assignment: Group 2 self and peer evaluations due W Oct 30, 11:59pm (Canvas Assignments)
[20] Th Oct 31 🎃 [outline] [Padlet]
- Covered today: Group 3 presentation and follow-up: Wang et al. (2014) -
Orthographic learning and reading difficulty
- Article link (UNC Libraries)
- To read for Th Oct 31: O'Brien et al. (2019) -
Phonological awareness in bilingual early readers (Group 4 article)
- Article link (UNC Libraries)
- Prepare to discuss RQs, experiments, results, implications
- Assignment: Group 4 presentation on Tu Nov 5
(Canvas Assignments)
- Combined slides due Tu Nov 5, 2:30pm
- Grading criteria
- Assignment: Group 3 self and peer evaluations due F Nov 1, 11:59pm (Canvas Assignments)
[21] Tu Nov 5 [outline] [Padlet]
- Covered today: Group 4 presentation and follow-up: O'Brien et al. (2019) -
Phonological awareness in bilingual early readers
- Article link (UNC Libraries)
- Prep questions: 11.07 | NYT dialect survey
(Canvas Assignments)
- due Th Nov 7, 2:30pm
- Use the link provided to answer the questions on Canvas
- Assignment: Group 4 self and peer evaluations due W Nov 6, 11:59pm (Canvas Assignments)
[22] Th Nov 7
- Covered today: Varieties of English and implications for reading education
- Dialect quiz at PureWow
- Extensive dialect survey data from Cambridge Online Survey of World Englishes
- PBS documentary - Do You Speak American?
- Audio examples of AmEng varieties, from the website for Wolfram & Schilling (2016), American English (3rd edition)
- Voices of North Carolina 8th-grade NC dialects curriculum, from NCSU
- Prepare: Final project workshop day in class on Tu Nov 12
- Final project information handout
[23] Tu Nov 12
- Covered today: Final project information and workshop time [outline] [Padlet]
- Upcoming: Project topic proposal is due M Nov 18, 11:59pm in Canvas Assignments
[24] Th Nov 14
- Covered today: Discussion — Results from research papers
- Assigned research articles with links
- Assignment: Project topic proposal is due M Nov 18, 11:59pm in Canvas Assignments
[25] Tu Nov 19
- Covered today: Literacy worldwide; Adult literacy education [outline] [Padlet]
- Upcoming: Workshop day on Th Nov 21
[26] Th Nov 21
- Covered today: Article report check-in and workshop time [outline] [Padlet]
- Upcoming: Article contribution report #1 is due M Nov 25, 11:59pm in Canvas Assignments
[27] Tu Nov 26
- Covered today: "Science of reading" and reading education
- See podcast and resource links in outline
- Upcoming: Article contribution report #2 is due W Dec 4, 11:59pm in Canvas Assignments
- Upcoming:
Reflection Essay #5 - End-of-semester reflection
- Due F Dec 6, 11:59pm in Canvas Assignments
- See Guidelines for reflection essays
- Note: Because of the end of the semester, this RE can be accepted late for only 1 week after the deadline
Th Nov 28
- Thanksgiving — no class
- Covered today: Course conclusions; final presentation info; workshop time
- Final project info page
- Details and grading criteria for presentations
- Assignment: Article report #2 is now due F Dec 6, 11:59pm in Canvas Assignments
- Assignment:
Reflection Essay #5 - End-of-semester reflection
- Due F Dec 6, 11:59pm in Canvas Assignments
- See Guidelines for reflection essays
- Note: Because of the end of the semester, this RE can be accepted late for only 1 week after the deadline
- Reminder: Please fill out course evaluations
- General UNC-CH course evaluation - see link in your email
- End-of-course survey specific to FYSs - see Canvas Announcement
- Upcoming: Final presentations on Th Dec 12, 4-7pm (final exam period)
- Final project info page
- Details and grading criteria for presentations
- Presentation slides due Th Dec 12, 2pm in Canvas Assignments